How To Easily Attract Your Ideal Customers To You, And Bring In More Leads & Sales Than Ever Before all from reels...

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Let's Talk About How To Create Captivating Reels.

After all you only have less than 3 seconds to grab someones attention. 

Reels are absolutely a HUGE DEAL nowadays. Especially, for anyone who uses social media to generate more business. 

However, It can truly be a challenge figuring out exactly how to even begin to create a reel, let alone one that will hold someone's attention.  

Are you frustrated with trying to learn how to create reels, stand out online, generate more leads, and attract your Ideal audience to you?

That was me two years ago. I felt so overwhelmed and frustrated with trying to learn all the new things that were coming out with reels aka (short form videos).

Every platform was implementing some type of short form video known as (Reels, Shorts, TikTok's, Vertical videos etc…) 

I was trying to figure out so many things at one time: 

  • How do you fit everything you want to say in 60 seconds or less (At that time reels were only 60 seconds)
  • How do you even begin to film the reels? 
  • What type of equipment did I need? 
  • How do I attract my ideal audience in a reel? 
  • What is the easiest and best app to use for editing your reels with?
  • How do you add branded titles or reel covers to your reels?

As you can see I had way more questions than answers, and even the answers I was finding were not really clear answers at the time. 

Basically, Everything Was As Clear As Mud At This Point.

At the end of the day I just wanted to be able to have an online presence that represented both me and my brand, and allowed me to share tips, tutorials, and Ideas for my audience. As well as share my products and services I had to offer through utilizing reels.

I also needed the reels to attract people and not repel them from my videos.

I mean after all 

"You Only Get One Chance To Make A Good Impression" 

I also wasn't interested in dancing in my reels either. I mean you're looking at a girl that can't even clap on beat in church, much less nail some cool looking dance moves in a reel. 

That's when I set out to learn as much as I could about reels. I spent countless hours researching, taking courses, reading insane amounts of not so helpful articles, watching YouTube videos, and watching several other creators reels to try and understand what the key was to creating successful reels. 

I vowed to myself if I ever mastered using reels, I would turn around and teach as many other people as I could how to master using reels in their businesses as well.

That way they could avoid all the same mistakes I made, and the amount of time it took me to truly understand reels and get them dialed in to actually be helpful in my business. 

I was also looking for specific training on how to create successful reels for Facebook.

I'm not a huge Instagram person and more importantly I wasn't interested in learning and adding in entire extra social media platform to my to do list.  

After, a solid year of testing and trying out several different types of reels I finally got clarity on what it takes to create a successful reel, and it really boiled down to THREE SIMPLE THINGS

So... Let me stop and give you a little bit of a backstory of how I got here.
It's Important! 
If this is the first time we're meeting, nice to finally meet you. My name is Shamecca Stephens, and I teach online entrepreneurs video marketing, strategy, and simple systems to grow and scale their businesses online. 
Before diving into the online world or course creation I was in the direct sales and network marketing industry 
successfully for over a decade.
You see the way the company was structured that I was in was traveling to peoples home and sharing our products around their kitchen tables. 
I absolutely loved traveling, and seeing tons of different areas and sharing with people about our products and why I loved them. 
I pretty much packed a cooler everyday, loaded up my vehicle with all my inventory and hit the road to my appointments. 
Most days I didn't get home until 10:00 PM and some nights even later. 
To say that I was exhausted was an understatement.
However, little did I know my body was more than exhausted, it was actually fighting an underlying autoimmune disease. 
I noticed that, I was having way more vertigo while driving along with debilitating migraines.
I knew, I needed to get this checked out because there were times I would have to call my husband to come and drive me home from the side of the road. 
I shortly discovered the entire cause of fatigue, migraines and vertigo. 
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This definitely rocked my world 
However, I knew I had to make a huge shift and change in my business if I wanted to continue working my business. 
I thought, I need a way to be able to reach more people at one time, and not have to travel to them. 
That's when I thought, I got it! YouTube! I could make videos and reach both my customers and also be able to train my team members. 
So, my YouTube Channel was born! 
I started this YouTube channel about eight years ago, and I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I needed to reach more people and a way to do that from my home. 
I was pretty awkward and long-winded.

But what's really interesting about that YouTube channel is this:

Those silly little awkward long-winded videos that I created started attracting new people that wanted to buy my products and join my team!

And the AMAZING thing about the YouTube channel was these people were just finding  me on autopilot.

And were reaching out to me and asking how they could join my team and how they could buy my products I was sharing.

I remember the first time an actual real person reached out to me to purchase products from my video. I actually thought it was a scammer messaging me.Turns out it wasn’t. It was a super cool person who I connected with immediately!

She ordered products and even ended up joining my team! I remember thinking, “Like seriously?? Is this happening!?".

Like people were just finding me online because of these little videos that I was making.  Some of these videos were over a year old!

THIS WAS INSANE! I was literally mind blown! 

So Here’s the whole point of this backstory, I quickly discovered people love video, and video will convert a person faster than any other type of content.

At the end of the day Reels are Videos, and people just want to connect, learn, and engage with people. 

A reel allows people to get to sample you.

It also helps to build your Know Like and Trust with your viewers.

That's why reels are so incredibly important and pivotal in our businesses.

They instantly connect you with your audience and help to build strong bonds and relationships quickly.

Had I never, started using long form video years ago, I would have never realized how powerful video was for a business owner, and helping create an online presence for both your business and brand. 

Both long form and short form videos have played a huge role in my success online.

So If You Haven't Started Using Reels Yet, Now Is A Great Time To Get Started! 

The world has shifted in a huge way and with that shift, we have to learn to pivot quickly, and reels and short form videos are definitely here to stay. 

I would even dare to even say that it’s the second most important thing outside of building an email list anyone can do who is working and building a business online.

And I’ve got something for you that’s totally going to make your life so much easier.  

Introducing Getting Real With Reels...

Here is a breakdown of everything the course will cover in each module! 

Module One: Introduction To Reels: Covers an introduction to Reels, including what Reels are, strategies for using them, good practices for creating Reels, and things to avoid when creating Reels.

Module Two: Identifying Your Ideal Person & Target Audience Covers how to Identify your ideal person, The four main categories to focus on for creating reels with examples, and soft selling vs. hard selling.

Module Three: Planning Your Reels Master the art of planning your reels with " The Reels Planner Outline", To ensure your reels hit the mark every time.

Module Four: Filming Tips & Techniques What you need to know before you start filming, mastering B-Roll, and how to create filming zones. 

Module Five: Equipment Needed for Filming Reels Learn how to create stunning professional-quality reels with easy to use equipment, no matter your budget.

Module Six: Editing Your Reels A step-by-step full tutorial on how to edit your reels. Plus learn how to easily polish up your reels, to create stunning light, bright and airy reels that everyone loves.

Module Seven: Uploading To Facebook Navigate the in's and outs of uploading your reels to Facebook for maximum visibility and impact.

Bonus Module One: How to Choose Brand Colors & Create Branded Reel Titles Learn how to choose brand colors and create branded reel titles in less than five minutes. 

Bonus Module Two: 100+ Reel Hooks & Perfect Reel Formula Access to over 100+ Done for you reel hooks and discover "The Perfect Reel"  formula for success with reels.

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Access Course Immediately : 

This Course is ready to start right now! It's a work at your own pace course. There is no start and end date for "Getting Real With Reels. You are granted LIFETIME access to the course and all updates as well! 


To help You Succeed You Also Get These Free Gifts 

To ensure you’re prepared for the transformation your business is about to experience, I’m going to throw in these free gifts when you join today!

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Got Questions 

Will this be for iPhone or Android users? 

If you have an iPhone or if you have an Android everything I share will be compatible with your phone. 

I'm not sure who my audience is or who my videos could even help

That's why you need this course. I'm gonna be showing you exactly how to identify your who your ideal person is. 

Do you have a money back guarantee? 

Absolutely! One of my core beliefs as a course creator is that if you don't get amazing results from taking one of my courses you can ask for a refund within the first 30 days. 

You can reach my office anytime at: [email protected] 

How long will I have access to the course? 

You'll have lifetime access to the entire course inside of a private members area, and when updates are made to the training, you'll get access to those too for no extra charge.

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